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Teaching Korean Math Teachers in 2016
Center (Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology) jointly with Dr. Seshaiyer in COS. In 2009, the Virginia Department of Education chose GMU to be one of the Math Science Partnership (MSP) regional centers in the State to support professional development activities for teachers and students in several school districts in Northern Virginia. Since 2009, this center has received multiple grants for grade levels K-3, 7-8 and 9-12 from VDOE that has helped to sustain the activities of the center. Using a blended approach with high quality onsite professional development (through summer institutes and follow up seminars and content-focused coaching through Lesson Study) and GMU Math e-learning Network (content-focused webinars, video clips and research lessons as exemplars that align with the Virginia SOL standards), the center provides sustained, intensive, and high-quality professional development for math teachers, special educators, and teachers of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students that will address needs identified in the school/district professional development plan. See the Gazette article on this
The center has also received grants to develop new programs to enhance the content and pedagogical practices of high school teachers and help promote the awareness of STEM applications of mathematics.
The purpose of Project IMPACT, Improving Mathematical Practices via Algebraic Connections and Technology in Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, is to create a collaborative network for teachers to plan lessons, exchange best instructional practices and effective uses of tech-knowledgy tools to design instructional tasks that promote algebraic conceptual thinking. This project is led by Dr. Jennifer Suh and Dr. Padhu Seshaiyer at George Mason University through grants funded by the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia. This program is a partnership of the Center for Mathematics Education and Department of Mathematical Sciences at George Mason University with the Fairfax County, Prince William, Hopewell, Norfolk and Petersburg public school districts. We are happy to announce that IMPACT received the “Program That Works” awards from the Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition for being an exemplary program in the State that has demonstrated evidence of a positive impact on student or teacher learning. The “Program that Works” award ceremony was held at the Stuart C.Siegel Center, Virginia Commonwealth University on May 11, 2010. The pictures below are from a classroom observation part from a lesson study and the teachers collaboratively assessing students work at Hopewell Public Schools.
Design Thinking Workshop to Promote Innovation and Creativity
GMU’s STEM Faculty Team ( Dr. Suh, CEHD, Dr. Seshaiyer (COS), Dr. Peixoto, Volgenau School of Engineering) delivered a 10-day workshop together called “Innovation Design” that was in collaboration with Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) which is one of the leading science and technology institutes in Korea, to a group of undergraduate science and engineering students. The workshop promoted design thinking, creativity, and project-based teaching and assessment practices with undergradaute engineering students as they worked to apply their discipline specific knowledge to solving real-world problems. The workshop was co-designed and delivered with Dr. Kwan Hong Lee (a graduate from MIT Media Labs) and Dr. Daniel Suh (POSTECH).