Dr. Suh’s favorite Conference sites and Math Professional Organizations

AERA  http://www.aera.net/
AMTE  http://www.amte.net/
NCTM  http://www.nctm.org/conferences
PME-NA  http://www.pmena.org/
PME  http://igpme.org/
TODOS https://www.todos-math.org/ 

Social Justice Resources


Research Support

GMU research http://www.gmu.edu/research/
nsf  www.nsf.gov     Cadre http://cadrek12.org/

Calendar of events http://cadrek12.org/events

SIG RME newsletter for up to date

DOE http://ies.ed.gov/funding/


Observational Tools/Instruments for Research
Teaching Practices Collection of Tools for Observing Teaching



PD resources

DOE workshops http://dww.ed.gov/workshop/index.cfm

PD resources from VDOE in math

Professional Development of pre-service and in-service teachers
CBMS report http://www.cbmsweb.org/MET_Document/index.htm
MSRI VMATH http://www.msri.org/communications/vmath/special_productions/



NCTM website http://nctm.org
Show me math http://www.mmmproject.org/index.html
Problem Solving using themes (TeAchnology)
Model Eliciting Activities
Short video clips and problems Real Life Problem Solving
McREL offers practical, research-based solutions
Assessing general ed for special needs students

Lesson Resources for Math Educators

Formative Assessment:

Constructed Responses
other resources
Assessing math proficiency

Open ended assessments

Lesson Study Resources
http://lessonresearch.net/ : Mills College Lesson study site
on Study Facilitators
http://hub.mspnet.org/index.cfm/17749 from MSPNET Toolkit

Dr. Suh’s favorite video resources
MSRI http://www.msri.org/communications/vmath/special_productions/
Just ALGEBRA video
http://learner.org/resources/series66.html Algebra: simplest term
http://learner.org/resources/series196.html Insights in Algebra
http://learner.org/resources/series140.html Pattern function algebra|
http://learner.org/resources/series34.html Teaching 9-12


Department of education



Data Collection Instruments

Research Instruments for MER

Database of Measures of Teachers’ Mathematics/Science Content Knowledge

http://hub.mspnet.org/index.cfm/msp_tools Toolbox of instrument

http://www.horizon-research.com/ LOOK under INSTRUMENTS

Study of School  Instructional Improvement

Survey of enacted curriculum


Teacher efficacy and confidence


Mathematics attitude scale

http://www.ncrel.org/datause/tools.php DATA tools

http://www.ncrel.org/datause/css/results.php school improvement

http://timss.bc.edu/timss1999i/pdf/BM2_TeacherM.pdf math teacher survey


Journal Outlets

Action in Teacher Education

  • Designed for a general teacher ed audience, but it does publish mathematics-specific articles. Particularly interested in action research articles.
  • Publisher: Association of Teacher Educators


  • AERA Open is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the American Educational Research Association (AERA). With an emphasis on rapid review and dissemination, AERA Open aims to advance knowledge through theoretical and empirical study across arenas of inquiry related to education and learning. AERA Open emphasizes publishing scientific and scholarly work that adds to knowledge incrementally and cumulatively. AERA Open also serves as a venue for innovation, novel inquiry and ideas, interdisciplinary bridge building, and research that fosters the connection of research to practice and practice to research.”
  • Launched in Fall 2014.

American Educational Research Journal

  • A premiere educational journal that often includes pieces on mathematics education, focusing on research reports.
  • “The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ, quarterly; approximately 960 pp./volume year) publishes original empirical and theoretical studies and analyses in education. The editors seek to publish articles from a wide variety of academic disciplines and substantive fields; they are looking for clear and significant contributions to the understanding and/or improvement of educational processes and outcomes. Manuscripts not appropriate for submission to this journal include essays, reviews, course evaluations, and brief reports of studies to address a narrow question.”
  • Publisher: AERA
  • Ranking: 7/139 in Education & Educational Research (Impact Factor: 2.479).Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom

  • Filled with practical activities and advice, editions include professional articles on a diverse range of mathematical topics and approaches, with direct classroom applicability.
  • There are no deadlines for submission due to the peer review process; articies may be submitted at any time. Once an article has been accepted by peer review, it will be published in the next possible issue.
  • 40 pp., 4 issues annually, ISSN 1326-0286

Australian Mathematics Teacher

  • Broad, practical appeal for teachers of the upper primary and lower secondary years. Editions include articles on a wide variety of topics, such as teaching approaches, classroom activities, and research.
  • There are no deadlines for submission due to the peer review process; articles may be submitted at any time. Once an article has been accepted by peer review, it will be published in the next possible issue.
  • 40 pp., 4 issues annually, ISSN 0045-0685

Australian Senior Mathematics Journal

  • For those teaching in upper secondary and the early years of tertiary education. Each edition provides professional articles on the teaching of various mathematical topics, as well as research relevant to the classroom.
  • There are no deadlines for submission due to the peer review process; articles may be submitted at any time. Once an article has been accepted by peer review, it will be published in the next possible issue.
  • 64 pp., 2 issues annually, ISSN 0819-4564

Cognition and Instruction

  • “Among education journals, Cognition and Instruction‘s distinctive niche is rigorous study of foundational issues concerning the mental, socio-cultural, and mediational processes and conditions of learning and intellectual competence. For these purposes, both “cognition” and “instruction” must be interpreted broadly. The journal preferentially attends to the “how” of learning and intellectual practices. A balance of well-reasoned theory and careful and reflective empirical technique is typical… Research at multiple levels and involving multiple methods is welcomed.”
  • Publisher: Routledge (in the Taylor & Francis Group)
  • Ranking: 18/42 in Social Science, Psychology, Education (Impact Factor: 1.16)

College Mathematics Journal

  • A journal of undergraduate mathematics with an eye toward undergraduate education in mathematics. Articles written for college mathematics instructors would be appropriate here. Also, they publish several “Classroom Capsules” in every issue that are short notes on teaching ideas or mathematical problems that could be used in class.
  • Significant mathematical focus.
  • The College Mathematics Journal is designed to enhance classroom learning and stimulate thinking regarding undergraduate mathematics. It publishes articles, short Classroom Capsules, problems, solutions, media reviews and other pieces. All are aimed at the college mathematics curriculum with emphasis on topics taught in the first two years.”
  • Publisher: MAA

Comprehensive Journal of Education Research

  • Online, open access.
  • Launched in 2013.
  • CJER is a free access online quarterly publication journal, which provides a forum for the dissemination, criticism, interpretation, and encouragement of all forms of systematic enquiry into education and fields related to or associated with education.”
  • Publisher: Knowledgebase Publishers, current editors from Iran.
  • Published quarterly. “It is the goal of the CJER to publish manuscripts within 7 weeks after submission.”
  • Original articles and Book Reviews.
  • No set length requirement (whatever it takes to be clear and complete).

Curriculum Inquiry

  • Curriculum Inquiry is dedicated to the study of educational research, development, evaluation, and theory. This leading international journal brings together influential academics and researchers from a variety of disciplines around the world to provide expert commentary and lively debate. Articles explore important ideas, issues, trends, and problems in education, and each issue also includes provocative and critically analytical editorials covering topics such as curriculum development, educational policy, and teacher education.”
  • Publisher: Wiley
  • 2014 Impact Factor: 0.322
  • Word count: 10,000

Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education

  • “The aim of this journal is to continue the effort to understand and enhance changes in the nature of worthwhile mathematical work that can be performed by learning, teachers and practitioners with digital technologies—an effort begun by Seymour Papert in the original International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning.”
  • Online journal
  • Founded in 2015. First editor: Nathalie Sinclair
  • Publisher: Springer

Educational Leadership

  • Not mathematics specific, but does publish math-ed related articles.
  • Theme-based issues, though they do accept non-theme articles for special topics.
  • Educational Leadership has a distinctive niche in the world of education publishing. Our readers are educators from all levels, preK–12, and from many different disciplines and job positions—teachers, principals, superintendents, professors of education, and other leaders in education. Whereas other publications are primarily written by journalists or by researchers, Educational Leadership is primarily written by practitioners for practitioners. With a circulation of 170,000—and a high pass-along rate—Educational Leadership has great reach and influence among educators. About 75 percent of our article submissions are unsolicited pieces; we solicit about 25 percent of our articles by special invitation.”
  • Publisher: ASCD

Educational Researcher

  • An almost-monthly journal for the broader audience of education researchers, publishing research as well as theoretical or expository pieces.
  • Educational Researcher (ER, begun in 1971; approximately 432 pp./volume year) is published 9 times per year and is received by all members of AERA. It contains scholarly articles that come from a wide range of disciplines and are of general significance to the education research community. The Features section of ER publishes articles that report, synthesize, review, or analyze scholarly inquiry, with emphasis placed on articles that focus on the interpretation, implications, or significance of research work in education. Manuscripts should be of interest to the broad community of education researchers. Manuscripts that speak only to scholars in particular subfields should be submitted to more specialized journals.”
  • Rather than thinking of ER as the home for articles that are content-free, think of it as the home for articles from any content area. The additional requirement is just that the article be of interest in some way to a broader audience than a particular subfield of education research.
  • Publisher: AERA
  • 25,000+ readers, 5000 institutions
  • Published 9 times per year.
  • Acceptance Rate: of appropriate submissions, 16%
  • ISI impact factor = 3.774, ranked #1 in Education & Education Research Category. Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.
  • Lag time between acceptance and publication: 2-3 months (no backlog!)
  • They are actively seeking more manuscripts as they want to move toward more pages of feature articles or research reports, moving the pages of AERA business to an online setting.
  • Word Count: 5000 for feature articles (additional content such as detailed methodological information can be hosted online)

Educational Studies in Mathematics

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • “Educational Studies in Mathematics presents new ideas and developments of major importance to practitioners working in the field of mathematical education. It reflects both the variety of research concerns within the field and the range of methods used to study them. Articles deal with didactical, methodological and pedagogical subjects, rather than with specific programs for teaching mathematics. The journal emphasizes high-level articles that go beyond local or national interest.”
  • 2012 Impact Factor: 0.765, 2014 Impact Factor: 0.579
  • Graded “A*” (highest grade) by Toerner and Arzarello (2012).
  • This journal is usually included as one of the Top 3 research journals in mathematics education, behind the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education and with Mathematical Thinking & Learning.
  • Publisher: Springer

Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology

  • The eJMT strives to publish quality papers demonstrating that Mathematics and its applicable fields can be made Fun, Accessible, Challenging and Theoretical.
  • The eJMT has four basic areas of interest:
    Trend 1: Research in Mathematics and its Applications and Mathematics Education with Technology
    Trend 2: Instruction in Mathematics and its Applications with Technology
    Trend 3: Learning in Mathematics and its Applications and Mathematics Education with Technology
    Trend 4: Newly Emerging Technologies and Mathematical Fields
  • 12217 papers delivered to 4432 unique IP addresses since February 2007
  • Selected articles from this journal will be published in RJMT (see below).

Elementary School Journal

  • Highly respected journal of general education research at the elementary/primary level — publish work in all subject areas or studies that cut across subject areas.
  • “ESJ publishes peer-reviewed articles dealing with both education theory and research and their implications for teaching practice. In addition, ESJ presents articles that relate the latest research in child development, cognitive psychology, and sociology to school learning and teaching. ESJ prefers to publish original studies that contain data about school and classroom processes in elementary or middle schools while occasionally publishing integrative research reviews and in-depth conceptual analyses of schooling.”
  • Publisher: University of Chicago Press
  • Ranking: Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

Equity and Excellence in Education

  • Equity and Excellence in Education publishes articles based on scholarly research utilizing qualitative or quantitative methods, as well as essays that describe and assess practical efforts to achieve educational equity and are contextualized within an appropriate literature review. We consider manuscripts on a range of topics related to equity, equality and social justice in K-12 or postsecondary schooling, and that focus upon social justice issues in school systems, individual schools, classrooms, and/or the social justice factors that contribute to inequality in learning for students from diverse social group backgrounds. There have been and will continue to be many social justice efforts to transform educational systems as well as interpersonal interactions at all levels of schooling. Some are successful while others fall short of their goals. This journal provides a record of those important experiments and ventures.”
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • Word Count: 7800

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education

  • “The aim is to advance the scholarship and the scientific knowledge base in these areas. Articles can take variety of forms of scholarly communication. We emphasize communications which have not been stressed adequately in the past such as interview/conversations with eminent scholars of the field and hence encourage authors to get engaged in such activities and prepare manuscripts of this form. We welcome ideas and suggestions for special issues dedicated to a special theme or region/country.”
  • Ranking: 2nd Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

  • “The Journal aims to stimulate discussions on contemporary topics in science and mathematics education and to foster the application of the results in primary, secondary, and higher education. Research papers are welcome for rapid publication. The Journal is a platform for exchange of original ideas with particular emphasis on application. We welcome empirical and theoretical research papers, as well as papers on innovation of teaching techniques and technologies, and position papers. The European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education is open-access, peer-reviewed and published quarterly. There are no publication charges.”
  • Began in 2013

Far East Journal of Mathematics Education

  • “The FJME is an academic journal devoted to the publication of research articles and critical survey articles on all aspects of mathematics education having potential for utility to educators, researchers, and practitioners. The FJME is being published in one volume annually comprises of three issues in the months of February, June and October.”
  • Started in 2011
  • All published articles are reviewed/indexed in Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt für Mathematik, IndexCopernicus Data, EBSCOhost, and the journals have been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus, Elsevier’s bibliographic database, Ei databases index, EMBASE, EMCare also.
  • Publisher: Pushpa Publishing House

Fields Mathematics Education Journal

  • This international peer-reviewed online journal aims to provide open access to the range of themes that attract attention of the mathematics education community internationally.
  • The FMEJ has an international editorial board.
  • All submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed.
  • If a manuscript is not accepted for publication in Fields Mathematics Education Journal and the authors choose to submit a revised version to another SpringerOpen published journal, they will pass the reviews on to the other journal’s editors at the authors’ request. They will reveal the reviewers’ names to the handling editor for editorial purposes unless reviewers let them know when they return their report that they do not wish us to share their report with another SpringerOpen published journal and/or that they do not wish to participate further in the peer review of this manuscript.
  • Published by Springer, associated with the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences.
  • New in 2015

For the Learning of Mathematics

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • “The journal aims to stimulate reflection on mathematics education at all levels, and promote study of its practices and its theories: to generate productive discussion; to encourage enquiry and research; to promote criticism and evaluation of ideas and procedures current in the field. It is intended for the mathematics educator who is aware that the learning and teaching of mathematics are complex enterprises about which much remains to be revealed and understood.”
  • A reader-friendly journal that is open to all forms of inquiry into mathematics education, not just research reports. FLM can be thought of as a journal to publish any studies, summaries, comparisons, theoretical pieces, stories, or reflective thoughts that are worthwhile for others in the field to read. Published 3 times a year, based at the University of Alberta. Current editor: Richard Barwell. Former editors: David Wheeler, David Pimm, Brent Davis.
  • Articles published in English or French
  • Graded “A” by Toerner and Arzarello (2012).

Global Education Review

  • GER is a forum for reporting approaches to and implications of educational practice, as well as the influence of social, economic, and political forces on educational practice in different countries or global regions. GER is published in thematic issues that reflect on policy and practice in educational settings in the United States and abroad. Selected themes focus on issues that are relevant to the field of education, with implications for policy nationally and/or globally. As a generalist journal, GER strives to provide open access, clearly written articles that are free of technical jargon to policy makers and educators at all levels, including those directly involved with student learning on a daily basis. Theoretical, empirical, and policy related articles are welcomed that address critical issues in education throughout the world.
  • Online format, open access.
  • Focuses on policy matters or work that informs policy (though not exclusively)
  • Publisher: Mercy College, NY
  • Published quarterly.

Global Research Journal on Mathematical and Science Education

  • The aim of the journal is to promote fresh scholarly enquiry in the field of mathematics and science education for primary, secondary and higher level of study. It is devoted to through light on recent developments and research activities in the wide field of mathematics and science education . Its broad coverage will encompass
  • Mathematics Education, Science Education, Chemistry Education, Physics Education, Life Science, Environmental Education, Statistics Education, ICT Education, Technology and Engineering Education.
  • Policy/Curriculum/Language/History issues in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (MSTE), Challenges of MSTE in the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) context
  • Management Science Education, Library Science Education
  • ISSN 2278-0769

International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME)

  • Renamed as Journal of μathematics Education (see below)

International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (RIPEM)

  • “The RIPEM publishes papers that report findings from empirical research and literature-based scholarly articles that advance theories and scholarship of Mathematics Education. The journal also accepts critical reviews of books. The RIPEM publishes three issues per year. From time to time, the Journal may produce a special issue devoted to a single, well-defined topic. Decisions relations to such special issues will be shared with the working groups of SBEM. Manuscripts must only be submitted in English. If an article is accepted for publication, authors from Portuguese- or Spanish-speaking countries will be expected to provide also a final version in Portuguese or Spanish. For authors from other countries, the journal will invite members of its editorial team to translate the English version to Portuguese.”
  • Peer-reviewed electronic journal
  • Publisher: Brazilian Society for Mathematics Education

International Journal for Studies in Mathematics Education

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • “The International Journal for Studies in Mathematics Education (IJSME/JIEEM) aims to stimulate reflection on mathematics education at all levels: to generate productive discussion; to encourage enquiry and research; to promote criticism and evaluation of ideas and procedures current in the field. It is intended for the mathematics educator who is aware that the learning and teaching of mathematics are complex enterprises about which much remains to be revealed and understood. It reflects both the variety of research concerns within the field and the range of methods used to study them. We accept for submission articles in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. The journal emphasizes high-level articles that go beyond local or national interest.”
  • New in 2009. Publishes pieces in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish.
  • Published semi-annually, peer-reviewed professional academic research journal.
  • Publisher: Uniban (Brazil)

International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning

  • See Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education above

International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology

  • Online, peer-reviewed. Began in 2013.
  • “The IJEMST welcomes any papers on math education, science education and educational technology using techniques from and applications in any technical knowledge domain: original theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports, social issues, psychological issues, curricula, learning environments, research in an educational context, book reviews, and review articles. The articles should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the IJEMST.”
  • Published quarterly.
  • Length requirement: No maximum, but 8000 words is preferred.

International Journal of Educational Research

  • “The International Journal of Educational Research publishes regular papers and special issues on specific topics of interest to international audiences of educational researchers. Examples of recent Special Issues published in the journal illustrate the breadth of topics that have be included in the journal: ‘Students’ Perspectives on Learning Environments’, Social, Motivational and Emotional Aspects of Learning Disabilities’, Epistemological Beliefs and Domain’, ‘Analyzing Mathematics Classroom Cultures and Practices’, and ‘Music Education: A site for collaborative creativity.'”
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Six issues publisher per year, but two are often combined into a single binding
  • Regularly has special issues on contemporary educational topics with international relevance (including mathematics education), but they now also accept individual papers.

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education

  • “The aim of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (popularly known as QSE) is to enhance the practice and theory of qualitative research in education, with “education” defined in the broadest possible sense, including non-school settings. QSE publishes peer-reviewed empirical research employing a variety of qualitative methods and approaches, such as ethnographic observation and interviewing, grounded theory, life history, case study, curriculum criticism, policy studies, narrative, ethnomethodology, social and educational critique, phenomenology, deconstruction, genealogy, autoethnography, etc. In addition, innovative or provocative approaches to qualitative research as well as the way research is reported are encouraged. Theoretical papers are also welcome. We publish discussions of epistemology, methodology, or ethics of qualitative research from a range of perspectives, including (but not limited to) interpretivism, constructivism, critical theory, feminism, and race-based, lesbian/gay/bi/transgender (including queer theory), and poststructural ones. Furthermore, there is a strong interest in qualitative research conducted by researchers throughout the world, and the Journal publishes book reviews.”
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • Word count: 9000

International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education

  • IJRUME “is dedicated to the interests of post-secondary mathematics. It welcomes original research, including empirical, theoretical, and methodological reports of learning and teaching of undergraduate and graduate students.”
  • Launch in 2015. Accepting manuscripts since 2014.
  • Original Editors-in-Chief: Karen Marrongelle, Chris Rasmussen, Mike Thomas
  • Publisher: Springer
  • 3 issues per year, 4-5 articles per issue

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

  • “Sponsored by the National Science Council, Taiwan, the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education publishes original, peer reviewed articles on a variety of topics and research methods in both science and mathematics education. Articles address common issues in mathematics and science education, including cross-curricular dimensions. This journal emphasizes studies that explore science and mathematics education from different cultural perspectives. Manuscripts written by authors whose native language is not English are encouraged; the journal’s editors provide support for these authors.”
  • Publisher: Springer
  • Ranking: Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

International Journal of STEM Education

  • “The International Journal of STEM Education is a multidisciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It is being established as a brand new, forward looking journal in the field of education. As a peer-reviewed journal, it is positioned to promote research and educational development in the rapidly evolving field of STEM education around the world.”
  • Publisher: Springer
  • Open access
  • Launched in 2014

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences

  • “IOJES is an international, peer-reviewed, non-profit, professional scientific journal. IOJES is a journal that accepts manuscripts related to educational sciences. The journal is published online three times in a year. The article being submitted should be either in Turkish or English. IOJES publishes research employing a variety of qualitative and/or quantitative methods and approaches in all areas of the education field. IOJES welcomes articles from different institutions and countries.”
  • Online
  • Publisher: Educational Researches and Publications Association
  • Author pays to have their article published (once accepted), about $250

Investigations in Mathematics Learning

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • RCML seeks to stimulate, generate, coordinate, and disseminate research efforts designed to understand and/or influence factors that affect mathematics learning.”
  • Former title: FOCUS on Learning Problems in Mathematics
  • 4 issues per year
  • Publisher: Routledge/T&F and Research Council on Mathematics Learning
  • Acceptance rate: 20-25%
  • Manuscript length: 30 pages (not counting references) in 12-point font, 120 word abstract

Issues and Ideas in Education

  • “Issues and Ideas in Education has a broad scope that covers fields of education, psychology, philosophy, classroom teaching, evaluation, e-learning, information technology, educational management, administration and supervision, guidance and counselling, training of special children, educational technology, current issues in education and other related areas. Thus, the journal welcomes papers, both in theoretical and applied fields, of original and expository type that address issues of inter-disciplinary nature and cross-curricular dimensions.”
  • Publisher: Chitkara University (India)
  • Two issues per year
  • Free of cost worldwide

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • One of the premiere American journal for mathematics education research, focusing primarily on research reports.
  • JRME promotes and disseminates disciplined scholarly inquiry into the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels, including research reports, book reviews, and commentaries.”
  • Publisher: NCTM
  • 7,127 readers (as of Jan 2011)
  • Acceptance Rate: of appropriate submissions, 8% (number of submission per year has declined from more than 200 to 150-200, as of 2013).
  • ISI impact factor = 1.552. Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.
  • Graded “A*” (highest grade) by Toerner and Arzarello (2012). Often considered the top research journal in mathematics education.
  • Report recommendations: Limit the body of the paper to 40 pages. The body does not include the title page, abstract, references, figures or appendices. Reports of many types of research are encouraged, including experiments, case studies, surveys, philosophical investigations, and historical studies.

Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching

  • JCMST is a highly respected scholarly journal which offers an in-depth forum for the interchange of information in the fields of science, mathematics, and computer science. JCMST is the only periodical devoted specifically to using information technology in the teaching of mathematics and science.”
  • Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

  • Journal of Curriculum and Teaching is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Sciedu Press. It is devoted to publishing research papers in curriculum and instruction, learning and teaching, and related disciplines at global and local levels, such as but not limited to curriculum theory, teaching methodology, program innovation, policy development, professional ethics, and assessment in education. It is published semi-annually in both online and printed versions.”
  • Publisher: Sciedu Press (Canada)

Journal of Curriculum Studies

  • Journal of Curriculum Studies publishes original refereed contributions on all aspects of curriculum studies (including those derived from historical, philosophical, comparative and policy-related investigations), pedagogic theory, teacher education and development, assessment and evaluation, and the present state of schooling. In keeping with its international character, Journal of Curriculum Studies especially welcomes articles which extend the perspectives of curriculum beyond national boundaries.”
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • Ranking: Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

Journal of Curriculum Theorizing

  • JCT is an interdisciplinary journal of curriculum studies. It offers an academic forum for scholarly discussions of curriculum. Historically aligned with the “reconceptualist” movement in curriculum theorizing, and oriented toward informing and affecting classroom practice, JCT presents compelling pieces within forms that challenge disciplinary, genre, and textual boundaries. The journal is associated with the “Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice,” held in the autumn of each year.”
  • Online, published 3 times per year. Free.
  • Page limit: 25

Journal of Education

  • “Researchers, scholars, teachers, administrators, specialists, and advanced graduate students are invited to submit manuscripts of three types: research, theory, and reflection. Research Articles should include a review of the relevant literature, a description of the methodology, a summary of the findings, and a discussion of implications for practice in an educational setting. Theoretical Articles should begin with a clear explanation of a theory that informs practice, a description of the historical context, and a justification based on the literature. The paper should conclude with implications for practice in an educational setting. Reflections by scholars and professionals who are informed observers of education in classrooms and schools should provide critical analysis and insights regarding effective practice. Experienced researchers may offer an historic analysis of a significant topic of inquiry and the effects on the field, as well as insights into implications for practice.”
  • Generalist audience, tending toward practice.
  • Publisher: Boston University School of Education

Journal of Education and Learning

  • New journal, 2012
  • The journal publishes a broad range of papers from all branches of education and individual or group learning relating to education, including but not limited to curriculum, elementary and secondary education, higher and adult education, teacher education, the education of special groups, gender and education, education and information technology, theories of education, educational research and methodologies.
  • Publisher: Canadian Center of Science and Education
  • Print and online versions, but the online version is open access

Journal of Education and Training Studies

  • “JETS is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal.” Scope includes consumer education, critical pedagogy, curriculum and instruction (which includes sub-areas such as mathematics education), distance education, educational leadership, educational philosophy, educational psychology, educational technology.
  • Open access immediately upon publication
  • Publisher: Redfame Publishing
  • Published quarterly, print and online.
  • Acceptance rate: approximately 60%

Journal of Higher Education

  • “Founded in 1930, The Journal of Higher Education is the leading scholarly journal on the institution of higher education. Articles combine disciplinary methods with critical insight to investigate issues important to faculty, administrators, and program managers.”
  • Have typically focused on policy-oriented articles or reports of empirical research about institutions of higher educations, but there is a growing movement in this community for the inclusion of studies of post-secondary teaching and learning (e.g., mathematics learning at the undergraduate level).
  • Publisher: Ohio State University Press
  • Published 6 times per year

Journal of Mathematical Behavior

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • JMB focus on research that can improve the learning and teaching of mathematics and help develop a deeper understanding of how people learn and use mathematics
  • JMB “solicits original research on the learning and teaching of mathematics. We are interested especially in basic research, research that aims to clarify, in detail and depth, how mathematical ideas develop in learners.”
  • “Because the editors believe in the value of dialog and discussion, they are particularly interested in articles that continue, extend, modify or challenge other reports previously published in JMB.”
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Ranking: Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.
  • Graded “A” by Toerner and Arzarello (2012).
  • 2014 Impact factor: 1.130
  • Length requirements:
    • Abstract: A concise and factual abstract is required (between 100-150 words).
    • Report: There is no specific length set for the articles submitted to this journal. After submitting an article, the journal office will just correspond with you if there is a need to shorten it later on.

Journal of Mathematics Education (Education for All)

  • Free online journal. Focuses on bringing together perspectives on math ed from the East and the West.
  • Publisher: Education for All

Journal of μathematics Education (International Society of Educational Research)

  • Formerly known as International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME, ISSN: 1306-3030).
  • “A peer-reviewed online academic journal devoted to disseminate new research and theory in the field of mathematics education.”

Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College

  • The JMETC is a re-creation of an earlier publication by the Teachers College Columbia University Program in Mathematics and Education. As a peer-reviewed, semi-annual journal, it is intended to provide dissemination opportunities for writers of practice-based or research contributions to the general field of Mathematics Education. Each issue of the JMETC will focus upon an educational theme or issue. The JMETC will have a distinctive niche in the world of education publishing. Our readers are educators from pre K-12 and college and university levels, and from many different disciplines and job positions – teachers, principals, superintendents, professors of education, and other leaders in education.
  • Editorial Board:

  • Publisher: EdLab Publishing Network
  • ISSN: 2156-1400

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • JMTE is devoted to research that seeks to improve the education of mathematics teachers and develop teaching methods that better enable mathematics students to learn. The journal covers all stages of the professional development of mathematics teachers and teacher-educators. It serves as a forum for examining institutional, societal, and cultural influences that impact on teachers’ learning and ultimately their students’ learning.”
  • Publisher: Springer
  • Ranking: 2nd Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.
  • Graded “A” by Toerner and Arzarello (2012).
  • 2014 Impact factor: 1.259
  • Two types of papers
    • Research papers: these papers should reflect the main focuses of JMTE and should be of more than local or national
      interest: Maximum 10000 words
    • Reader Commentary: these are short contributions; for example, offering a response to a paper published in JMTEor developing a theoretical idea: Maximum 3000 words
      • Maximum word lengths include references, figures, appendices, etc.

Journal of Research in International Education

  • The Journal of Research in International Education is a peer-reviewed journal in international education for schools, examiners and higher education institutions throughout the world. The Journal of Research in International Education seeks to advance the understanding and significance of international education. It sets out to undertake a rigorous consideration of the educational implications of the fundamental relationship between human unity and human diversity that `education for international understanding` requires.”
  • Publisher: Sage
  • Published three times per year
  • Frequently publishes book reviews (approx. 2-4 pages)

Journal of Research in Mathematics Education

  • Started in 2012, publishes in both English and Spanish
  • The Journal of Research in Mathematics Education (REDIMAT) is an electronic quarterly journal of Hipatia Press that publishes articles in the field of mathematics education with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the teaching and learning of mathematics. REDIMAT publishes original empirical and theoretical work, drawing on scientific researches focused in a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches.
    REDIMAT emerges from the need to respond to the excessive compartmentalization of scientific knowledge that has traditionally existed in the educational field in Spain and Latin America, and aims to be an international space for disciplined debate and criticism through the presentation of theoretical contributions and evidence to promote educational equity and the improvement of our societies.
  • REDIMAT is a complete and reliable source of information on current works in the field of mathematics education. In this sense, REDIMAT aims to be indexed and abstracted as soon as possible in national and international Social Sciences databases such as Catálogo de Latindex, In-RECS, ERIH, SCOPUS, the Social Science Citation Index and others.
  • Peer Review Policy:
    All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and blinded refereeing by two anonymous referees.
  • Evaluation Procedure:
    In a time period of 15 days maximum from the date of reception of the article, the editor of the journal will assign it to two external evaluators that will carry out a blind review of the article. (Double blind peer review). The authors should consider, when necessary, the observations of the reviewers and editors of the journals and send a new text for publication with the changes suggested. The results of the evaluation will be send to the authors in a maximum period of 3 months from the date of reception.
  • REDIMAT will not publish more than one article of the same authorship or co-authorship within 24 months period.
  • Publisher: Hipatia Press
  • Publishes 3 times per year

Journal of Scholastic Inquiry

  • The aim is “focused on recognizing, celebrating and highlighting scholarly research, discovery and evidence-based practice in the fields of education, business and behavioral science. CSI publishes three journals including the following — Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Business, Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education.”
  • Publisher: Center for Scholastic Inquiry
  • Open access
  • Acceptance rate: ~25%

Journal of Teacher Education

  • Respected journal in teacher education; publishes all subject areas; ideal for TE studies that cut across disciplines.
  • “The Journal of Teacher Education provides a vital forum for considering practice, policy, and research in teacher education. It examines some of the most timely and important topics in the field, such as: New Teacher Education Standards, Assessing the Outcomes of Teacher Education, Preparing Teachers to Meet the Needs of Diverse Populations, Teacher Education in a Global Society, The Research Base for Teacher Education, Accountability and Accreditation Issues, Collaborating with Arts and Sciences Faculties, Recruiting a More Diverse Teaching Force and Teacher Education Faculty, School-based and Partnership-based Teacher Education, Alternative Approaches to Teacher Education, High Stakes Testing for Teachers and Students, Leadership in 21st Century Schools of Education, The Changing Demographics of Schools and Schooling”
  • Publisher: Sage
  • Impact Factor: 2.208. Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking. 17/219 in Education & Educational Research category (as of 2014).

Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

  • JTATE serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education. Journal content covers preservice and inservice teacher education, graduate programs in areas such as curriculum and instruction, educational administration, staff development instructional technology, and educational computing.”
  • Publisher: AACE
  • Acceptance Rate: rumor has it that there is no back-log here.

Journal of the Learning Sciences

  • Not specifically mathematics education, but it is worth mentioning because of its ranking (see below).
  • “The Journal of the Learning Sciences provides a multidisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of research on education and learning. Emphasis is placed on important ideas that can change our understanding of learning as well as the practice of education. Articles evolve from disciplines such as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, cognitive and educational psychology, cognitive anthropology, education, and educational psychology.”
  • Publisher: ISLS, Taylor & Francis
  • Impact factor: 1.767. Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

Journal of Urban Mathematics Education

  • Open access journal.
  • “The mission of the journal is to foster a transformative global academic space in mathematics that embraces critical research, emancipatory pedagogy, and scholarship of engagement in urban communities. Here, the view of the urban domain extends beyond the geographical context, into the lives of people within the multitude of cultural, social, and political spaces in which mathematics teaching and learning takes place. The Editorial Team embraces the idea that theory and practice are inextricably linked, and can work together in a multiplicity of ways. We welcome submissions from emerging and noted scholars whose research in the urban domain offers important and innovative contributions to the theory and practice of mathematics teaching, learning, and policy.”

Learning and Teaching Mathematics

  • Learning and Teaching Mathematics provides a medium for stimulating and challenging ideas relating to mathematics teaching and learning at all levels. While this journal “listens” to research, it does not publish conventional research reports; rather it presents articles that describe or discuss mathematics teaching and learning from the perspective of the practitioner.
  • Learning and Teaching Mathematics is a peer-reviewed journal, published two times a year and distributed to all members of AMESA (Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa – AMESA – is the professional association for Mathematics Education in South Africa.)

Math Horizons

  • A journal that publishes reader-friendly articles that connect mathematics to other aspects of life (e.g., art, television, politics). Geared toward undergrads.
  • Publisher: MAA.

MathAMATYC Educator

  • “Its purpose is to provide an avenue of communication for all mathematics educators concerned with the views, ideas, and experiences pertinent to two-year college teachers and students.Subject Matter: The editorial team of MathAMATYC Educator is interested in articles that focus on mathematics teaching and learning at two-year colleges.”
  • Accept both research-based and practically-focused articles
  • 3 issues per year
  • Focused on issues relevant to math education at two-year colleges, community colleges, post-secondary level, remediation, etc.
  • Publisher: AMAYTC

Mathematical Thinking and Learning

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • An international journal interested in interdisciplinary or multiple perspectives on mathematical (you guessed it) thinking and learning, with a particular emphasis on development of reasoning, innovative instructional practices, and cross-cultural comparisons.
  • “The international mathematics education community is maturing at a rapid and exciting rate. Although this community has developed its own research perspectives and theoretical frameworks, it continues to expand its horizons by drawing upon new theories and research in mathematics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, and information technology. Mathematical Thinking and Learning is directed at researchers interested in mathematics education from any of these perspectives, with a particular focus on mathematical thinking, reasoning, and learning. … In addition to receiving research articles, the journal invites articles that present theoretical and philosophical analyses of issues related to the previous topics.”
  • Was publicly described by Dick Lesh at PME-NA 32 as the best journal in mathematics education. Is often considered one of the Top 3 research journals in mathematics education, behind the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education and with Educational Studies in Mathematics.
  • Reviewers have 6 weeks, turn around to authors is typically 2 months.
  • Acceptance rate is below 20%. Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.
  • Graded “A” by Toerner and Arzarello (2012).
  • Publisher: Routledge

Mathematics Education (MathEdu)

  • Formerly known as International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME, ISSN: 1306-3030), changed to Mathematics Education (MathEdu) on March 25, 2015.
  • The former named International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME) is an online academic journal devoted to reflect a variety of research ideas and methods in the field of mathematics education. MathEdu aims to stimulate discussions at all levels of mathematics education through significant and innovative research studies. The Journal welcomes articles highlighting empirical as well as theoretical research studies, which have a perspective wider than local or national interest.
  • Volumes 1 through 8 are listed as IEJME, volume 9 began using the new title but retained the volume number.
  • MathEdu is published three times a year, in January, May and September
  • double-blind, peer reviewed with a 5% acceptance rate
  • Abstracted/Indexed in: EBSCO, Elsevier, Cabell’s Directory Index, Index Copernicus, DOAJ, MathDi, EdNA Online Database, NewJour
  • ISSN: 1306-3030

Mathematics Education Research Journal

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • Accepts various kinds of articles that are either of interest to an international audience or specifically the Australasian audience.
  • MERJ, an official journal of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Inc. (MERGA), is an international refereed journal that provides a forum for the publication of research on the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels. Submissions of high quality papers should normally be of general interest to an international readership, but papers exploring specifically Australasian issues, are welcome.”
  • Publisher: MERGA

Mathematics Education Review

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • MER focuses on articles that are meant for teacher educators (e.g., a special issue about lesson observations of student teachers).
  • Publisher: Association of Mathematics Education Teachers (UK)

The Mathematics Educator

  • a student-produced journal published semiannually by the Mathematics Education Student Association (MESA) in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Georgia.
  • reports of research (including experiments, case studies, surveys, and historical studies)
  • descriptions of curriclum projects or classroom experiences
  • literature reviews
  • theoretical analyses
  • critiques of general articles, research reports, books, or software
  • commentaries on research methods in mathematics education
  • commentaries on public policies in mathematics education

The Mathematics Enthusiast

  • Former title: The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast
  • This journal “is an eclectic internationally circulated peer reviewed journal which focuses on mathematics content, mathematics education research, innovation, interdisciplinary issues and pedagogy… Articles appearing in the journal address issues related to mathematical thinking, teaching and learning at all levels. The focus includes specific mathematics content and advances in that area accessible to readers, as well as political, social and cultural issues related to mathematics education. Journal articles cover a wide spectrum of topics such as mathematics content (including advanced mathematics), educational studies related to mathematics, and reports of innovative pedagogical practices with the hope of stimulating dialogue between pre-service and practicing teachers, university educators and mathematicians. The journal is interested in research based articles as well as historical, philosophical, political, cross-cultural and systems perspectives on mathematics content, its teaching and learning.”
  • Publisher: Information Age
  • Affiliations: Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics & PMENA

Mathematics in School

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • “Mathematics in School is a lively journal providing contributions from mathematics practitioners at all levels. It reflects the best of current thinking and practice, exploring possible development and sharing practical experience. As well as articles covering mathematics teaching at both primary and secondary levels, each issue provides practical advice on general teaching methods, information on the analysis of official reports and reviews of classroom based projects and surveys. It is aimed at teachers of primary and secondary pupils, students in training and all those with a professional interest in mathematics education.”
  • Publisher: The Mathematical Association (Britain)

Mathematics Teacher

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • The primary US teachers’ journal focusing on high school mathematics.
  • “The Mathematics Teacher is devoted to improving mathematics instruction from grade 8-14 and supporting teacher education programs. It provides a forum for sharing activities and pedagogical strategies, deepening understanding of mathematical ideas, and linking mathematics education research to practice. Mathematics Teacher solicits submissions from high school mathematics teachers, university mathematicians, and mathematics educators and strongly encourages manuscripts in which ideas relate to classroom practice. Manuscripts previously published in other journals, books or electronic venues are not acceptable. The journal’s articles have won numerous awards, including honors from the Society of National Association Publications.”
  • Publisher: NCTM
  • 30,278 readers (as of Jan 2011)
  • Published monthly during the academic year.

Mathematics Teacher Education and Development

  • This journal is specific to mathematics teacher education.
  • MTED is an international refereed journal which provides a stimulating collection of articles with a focus on mathematics teacher education in the broader sense. Submission of high quality papers in any area of mathematics teacher education and development is invited. Topics should normally be of general interest to an international readership, but papers exploring specifically Australasian issues are also welcomed. Quite a diversity of articles will be included: research reports; papers addressing general issues and perspectives; “successful pathways” – reports of exemplary practices that have a strong theoretical basis or have been evaluated effectively; discussion on recent and potential policy decisions and curriculum developments; evaluations of programs, materials, particular practices, relevant research methods (e.g., teacher-as-researcher); summaries of what research says about specific mathematics education professional development themes; philosophical debates; “think” pieces where new ideas are presented; reviews of relevant books and software.”
  • You can download articles from this journal for free.
  • Acceptance rates: 27% (2012-2013), 29% (2013-2014)
  • Publisher: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia

Mathematics Teacher Educator [NCTM site]

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • Forthcoming journal published jointly by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). This journal will be practitioner-based with the intended audience being teacher educators rather than teachers themselves (as in the NCTM journals such as MT, MTMS, and TCM). Peg Smith (University of Pittsburgh) will be the inaugural editor.
  • Publication is scheduled to start in 2012 with 2 issues per year for the first two years, then a possible increase in frequency after that (depending on submission rates).
  • Online format
  • Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

Mathematics Teaching

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • Publisher: Association of Teachers of Mathematics (UK).
  • Not refereed, editor reviewed.

Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • The primary US teachers’ journal focusing on middle school mathematics.
  • “Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (MTMS) is intended as a resource for middle school students, teachers, and teacher educators. The focus of the journal is on intuitive, exploratory investigations that use informal reasoning to help students develop a strong conceptual basis that leads to greater mathematical abstraction. The journal’s articles have won numerous awards, including honors from the Society of National Association Publications.”
  • Publisher: NCTM
  • 28,102 readers (as of Jan 2011)
  • Published monthly during the academic year.

Middle Grades Research Journal

  • Middle Grades Research Journal (MGRJ) is a refereed, peer reviewed journal that publishes original studies providing both empirical and theoretical frameworks that focus on middle grades education. A variety of articles are published quarterly in March, June, September, and December of each volume year.”
  • Publisher: Information Age

Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

  • “Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (NEF-EFMED) is an open access, electronic-only,peer reviewed scholarly journal.It is published twice a year since December 2007. NEF-EFMED accepts manuscripts related to all Science and Mathematics Education. Its target population is science and mathematics educator, students, teachers and people and institutions who produce products and provide services for educational communities. Original scientific studies are published in the NEF-EFMED for the target population. Manuscripts covering theoretical narratives and experimental studies about science and mathematics education. Technological approaches on instruction in science and mathematics education are also taken into consideration to be published in NEF-EFMED.”
  • Open access
  • Published in Turkish or English, with English abstracts.

NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership

  • “The purpose of the NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership is to advance the mission and vision of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics by: (1) Strengthening mathematics education leadership through the dissemination of knowledge related to research, issues, trends, programs, policy, and practice in mathematics education; (2) Fostering inquiry into key challenges of mathematics education leadership; (3) Raising awareness about key challenges of mathematics education leadership, in order to influence research, programs, policy, and practice; (4) Engaging the attention and support of other education stakeholders, and business and government, in order to broaden as well as strengthen mathematics education leadership.”
  • Published twice per year to NCSM members only. No subscriptions available.
  • Publisher: National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics

Notices of the American Mathematical Society

  • “By publishing high-level exposition, the Notices provides opportunities for mathematicians and students of mathematics to find out what is going on in the field. Each issue contains one or two such expository articles that describe current developments in mathematical research, written by professional mathematicians. The Notices also carries articles on the history of mathematics, mathematics education, and professional issues facing mathematicians, as well as reviews of books, plays, movies, and other artistic and cultural works involving mathematics. Members keep abreast of official AMS reports, activities, and actions, and the news of the mathematical world, through articles the Notices.”
  • Published by AMS, received by all members (30,000).
  • They have a section, Doceamus, which publishes articles related to mathematics education.

Peabody Journal of Education

  • PJE publishes quarterly symposia in the broad area of education, including but not limited to topics related to formal institutions serving students in early childhood, pre-school, primary, elementary, intermediate, secondary, post-secondary, and tertiary education. The scope of the journal includes special kinds of educational institutions, such as those providing vocational training or the schooling for students with disabilities. PJE also welcomes manuscript submissions that concentrate on informal education dynamics, those outside the immediate framework of institutions, and education matters that are important to nations outside the United States. Finally, it includes topics that are linked to the social and organizational context in which formal and informal education take place. The Editor cooperates with groups of scholars to present multifaceted, integrated expositions of important topics. A given issue of PJE may contain contributions from social scientists, historians, philosophers, attorneys, practitioners, and policymakers. Unsolicited proposals for special issues–including designation of participating scholars and an outline of articles–will be accepted for review.”
  • Published quarterly.
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis (with Vanderbilt University)

Phi Delta Kappan

  • “[Phi Delta Kappan] addresses issues related to K-12 education. We are interested in topics that most interest educators working in K-12 schools throughout the world. Because policy decisions influence practice, we are very interested in the implications and implementation of policy changes. We want to encourage conversations that inspire changes in practice that lead to improved student learning. We are not an activist publication, but we are active educators who believe that the quality of our work can have an impact on schools throughout the world.”
  • Published monthly during the academic year
  • Publisher: Phi Delta Kappa Professional Association in Education
  • 12% acceptance rate (of all submissions). 2nd Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal

  • Created and edited by Paul Ernest.
  • “Remember we reprint earlier publications to reach a wider or different audience – and you do not surrender copyright. If in doubt, please run your ideas past me!” – Paul Ernest
  • Graduate students are warmly invited to submit coursework assignments and theses for inclusion in this journal, to make available otherwise inaccessible resources for the benefit of the research community in mathematics education and/or the philosophy of mathematics.
  • There are no strict guidelines on submissions – authors are requested to make their submissions look like published papers – especially the first page headers etc.
  • Published online, usually once per year.

Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (PRIMUS)

  • “PRIMUS is a rich forum for the exchange of ideas in mathematics education at the college level. The journal is a refereed quarterly devoted to dialogue among those interested in teaching undergraduate mathematics. This includes those who prepare students for college level mathematics, those who teach college level mathematics, and those who receive students who have been taught college level mathematics.”
  • Acceptance rate: 58% (2015). Circulation: 2,320 institutions
  • Duration from submission to decision: 3-4 months (2015)
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis


  • Pythagoras “reflects the variety of research concerns, the range of research methods employed and the variety of didactical, methodological and pedagogical issues in the teaching of Mathematics at all levels of education. Pythagoras is thus an academic forum for the presentation and critical discussion of current research and developments in Mathematics Education at national as well as international level.”
  • Publisher: Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa.
  • Published twice a year.

Qualitative Inquiry

  • “The journal publishes refereed research articles that experiment with manuscript form and content, and focus on methodological issues raised by qualitative research rather than the content or results of the research. Open to think-pieces and review essays, QI also addresses: Advances in specific methodological strategies or techniques · Key issues in qualitative research · Postmodern, post-structural and/or critical treatments of qualitative or interpretive work · Practical applications of qualitative research · Theoretical discussions on the philosophical bases of qualitative traditions.”
  • Publisher: Sage
  • Page limit: 30
  • Impact factor: 1.3
  • Ranking: 12/68 in Social Sciences (interdisciplinary)

REDIMAT – Revista de Investigacion en didactica de las matematicas

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education.
  • New journal publishing both Spanish and English articles.

Research in Higher Education

  • “Research in Higher Education publishes empirical studies that enhance our understanding of an educational institution or allow comparison among institutions. It focuses on post-secondary education, including two-year and four-year colleges, universities, and graduate and professional schools. Papers in the journal assist faculty and administrators in making more informed decisions about current or future operations and in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of an institution. Among the topics covered in the journal are administration and faculty; curriculum and instruction; student characteristics; alumni assessment; recruitment and admissions; prediction and student academic performance; campus climate; and retention, attrition, and transfer. The journal also publishes brief methodological notes.”
  • Has typically focused on policy-oriented articles or reports of empirical research about institutions of higher educations, but there is a growing movement in this community for the inclusion of studies of post-secondary teaching and learning (e.g., mathematics learning at the undergraduate level).
  • Publisher: Association for Institutional Research, Springer
  • Published 8 times per year

Research in Mathematics Education

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • This journal is international in scope. It “welcomes high-quality research in any methodological tradition and is open to innovative and unusual approaches.”
  • Research in Mathematics Education is an international English language journal, publishing original refereed articles on all aspects of mathematics education. Papers should address the central issues in terms which are of relevance across educational systems and informed by wider thinking in the field. … The journal has three sections, covering research papers, book reviews, and current reports.”
  • Publisher: Routledge, British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics

Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology

  • The Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology is a printed version of selected articles from the Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology (eJMT: https://php.radford.edu/~ejmt/),
  • Published semi-annually in June and December of each year.
  • First issue in June of 2012.
  • The aims and scope, areas of Interests, submission guidelines are identical to those at eJMT (see above entry for eJMT)

Review of Educational Research

  • “The Review of Educational Research (RER, quarterly, begun in 1931; approximately 640 pp./volume year) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research. RER encourages the submission of research relevant to education from any discipline, such as reviews of research in psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, political science, economics, computer science, statistics, anthropology, and biology, provided that the review bears on educational issues. RER does not publish original empirical research unless it is incorporated in a broader integrative review. RER will occasionally publish solicited, but carefully refereed, analytic reviews of special topics, particularly from disciplines infrequently represented.”
  • Publisher: AERA
  • Ranking: 2/139 in Education & Educational Research (Impact Factor: 3.127). Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

Review of Research in Education

  • Review of Research in Education (RRE), published annually since 1973 (approximately 416 pp./volume year), provides an overview and descriptive analysis of selected topics of relevant research literature through critical and synthesizing essays. Articles are usually solicited for specific RRE issues. There may also be calls for papers. RRE promotes discussion and controversy about research problems in addition to pulling together and summarizing the work in a field.”
  • Publisher: AERA
  • ISI impact factor = 1.909, ranked 15th in Education and Education Research category. Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

Revista de Investigatción en Didáctica de la Matemática

  • Not to be confused with REDIMAT
  • Started in 2006
  • PNA is a research journal in mathematics education published by the research group Didáctica de la Matemática: Pensamiento Numérico, FQM-193 of the Andalusian Plan of Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI). Its goal is to promote and disseminate quality research at national and international levels. It is directed to researchers and education agents in the field. The articles published in PNA can be written in English or Spanish,
  • Publishes 4 issues per year
  • Average of 4 articles per issue
  • Both Spanish and English

School Science and Mathematics

  • School Science and Mathematics (SSM), the official journal of the School Science and Mathematics Association, founded 1901. The SSM is an international journal which is published monthly, October through May, emphasizing research on issues, concerns, and lessons within and between the disciplines of science and mathematics in the classroom. Members are encouraged to submit articles to the editor for publication. Regular journal sections include: In This Issue, Editorial, Research in Brief, Book Reviews, and Problems.”
  • Publisher: School Science and Mathematics Association

Teachers and Teaching

  • General education, not just mathematics.
  • Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice provides an international focal point for the publication of research on teachers and teaching, in particular on teacher thinking. It offers a means of communication and dissemination of completed research and research in progress, whilst also providing a forum for debate between researchers. This unique journal draws together qualitative and quantitative research from different countries and cultures which focus on the social, political and historical contexts of teaching as work. It includes theoretical reflections on the connections between theory and practice in teachers’ work and other research of professional interest.”

Teachers College Record

  • “The Teachers College Record is a journal of research, analysis, and commentary in the field of education. It has been published continuously since 1900.
  • Publisher: Teachers College, Columbia.
  • Feature articles (30+ pages), Commentaries (1000-1500 words), Research Notes (2000-3000 words).
  • Ranking: Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.

Teaching and Teacher Education

  • Teaching and Teacher Education aims to enhance theory, research, and practice in teaching and teacher education through the publication of papers concerned with the analysis of teaching, teaching effectiveness, the factors that determine teachers’ thought processes and performances, and the social policies that affect teachers in all aspects and stages of their careers. The journal will recognize that many disciplines – psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, political science, history, and philosophy – have important contributions to make to the achievement of its goals, and the Editors welcome contributions from them. In the absence of any dominant paradigm, the journal will allow varied approaches to offer empirical research, theoretical and conceptual analyses, and reviews (both qualitative and quantitative syntheses) of high quality. … Papers should be concerned primarily with teachers, teaching, or teacher education at whatever grade, level, or whatever subject-matter, at any stage of the teacher’s career.”
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • ISI impact factor = 0.769 (Rank = 48/112). Top Quartile in SJR Education Journal ranking.
  • Page/Word Limits: An abstract not exceeding 100 words must be provided. Authors should include up to six keywords with their article. The suggested word limit for articles is between 5000 and 9000 words (not counting figures and tables). Papers should be concerned with teachers, teaching, or teacher education (any grade, level, subject-matter, stage of teacher’s career).

Teaching Children Mathematics

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • The foremost US teachers’ journal focusing on primary math education.
  • “Teaching Children Mathematics (TCM) is intended as a resource for elementary school students, teachers, and teacher educators. The focus of the journal is on intuitive, exploratory investigations that use informal reasoning to help students develop a strong conceptual basis that leads to greater mathematical abstraction. The journal’s articles have won numerous awards, including honors from the Society of National Association Publications.”
  • Publisher: NCTM
  • 30,517 readers (as of Jan 2011)
  • 20% acceptance rate (as of Jan 2011)
  • Published monthly during the academic year.

Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics

  • “The journal (TEEM) aims especially to engage mathematics education topics involving excellence and equity simultaneously (rather than either in isolation) in a way that connects research to classroom practice and can directly inform the practice of teachers or professional developers. To this end, articles are welcomed that relate to: (1) all students learning mathematics that is effective and appropriate for them, on and beyond grade level expectations, beyond computational abilities, as problem solvers, (2) a vision or example of what this looks like in the K-12 classroom (or courses for pre-service or in-service teachers), or (3) attention to the roles that language and culture (in a broad sense) have in teaching and learning. The journal defines equity broadly, including (but not limited to) issues of language, gender, ethnicity, and culture. TEEM welcomes addressing issues of language, culture, access, equity, and quality from diverse viewpoints: teachers, teacher-leaders, administrators, professional developers, teacher preparation faculty, etc. The peer-review process includes double-blind review by at least two external referees.”
  • Publisher: TODOS Mathematics for All.
  • Published at least once per year.

Theory into Practice

  • Each issue typically has a central theme developed by a guest editor. The guest editor submits a proposal to have an issue around a particular theme (typically 8-10 articles per issue). Then, upon approval, the guest editor solicits the articles from authors. “Authors should be made aware that TIP articles focus on concepts and ideas. Although authors are encouraged to include research and case studies to support ideas, an article should not focus on a single research study or case example. Manuscripts are generally 3,000-4,000 words in length.”
  • Publisher: Routledge and Ohio State University.
  • Published quarterly.

The Teaching of Mathematics

  • Sort of a European version of the College Mathematics Journal. Publishes articles in English.
  • Publisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, Beograd (Mathematical Society of Serbia)

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education

  • Indonesian journal with abstract (only) available in English.
  • First published in 2012.
  • Typically 3 issues per volume.
  • 2016 Google Scholar indexed with h5-index of 4.

World Journal of Education

  • World Journal of Education is a peer-review journal, published by Sciedu Press. It is devoted to publishing research papers in the fields of education, teaching, learning and other relevant subjects. This includes primary, secondary, tertiary and other higher education disciplines such as but not limited to special education (SpEd), normal and even express streams of the academe. It is published semi-annually in both online and printed versions.”
  • Publisher: Sciedu Press (Canada)

ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education

  • This journal is specific to mathematics education
  • Articles generally by invitation only. Essentially, each issue is a special issue.
  • ZDM is one of the oldest mathematics education research journals in publication. The journal surveys, discusses, and builds upon current research and theoretical-based perspectives in mathematics education. In addition, it serves as a forum for critical analysis of issues within the field. All the papers published in the journal’s six annual themed issues are strictly by invitation. These papers are subject to an internal peer review by selected members from the editorial board as well as an external review by invited experts. The journal targets readers from around the world in mathematics education research who are interested in current developments in the field.”
  • Graded “A” by Toerner and Arzarello (2012).
  • Publisher: Springer
Adults Learning Mathematics – An International Journal  
www.alm-online.net Research, practice; Twice yearly
Published by the Adults Learning Mathematics (ALM) Research Forum. Features original reports (short and long) of empirical and theoretical work on adult mathematics education; international. Journal established in 2004.

American Educational Research Journal L11 A66
http://aerj.aera.net Research, ALL subjects; Quarterly
Published by the American Educational Research Association. Features original reports of empirical and theoretical studies and analyses in education.

American Educator L11 A68
www.aft.org/pubs-reports/american_educator K-12 practice; pre/in-service teacher education; Quarterly
Published by the American Federation of Teachers. Includes summaries and reviews of research (including RUME) results. Selected articles from the publication are available on-line as PDF files at www.aft.org/pubs-reports/american_educator.

The AMATYC Review
Journal of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges
RETIRED in 2008 see also: MathAMATYC Educator
www.amatyc.org/publications/index.htm Research and practice; Semi-annual until 2008
The Review was published by the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges and issues from 2002 through its close in 2008 are available on the website www.amatyc.org/publications/AMATYC-Review/index.htm. Featured original reports on practice and empirical studies. Focus on technical and bridge courses between high school and university(calculus)-level.

The Arithmetic Teacher
Since 1994 continued as Teaching Children Mathematics
QA 135 A6
www.nctm.org/tcm Elementary, practice; Monthly
Published by the U.S. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Elementary and basic mathematical concepts. Gives activities and helpful articles on teaching arithmetic; aimed at elementary pre-service and in-service teachers or teachers working on basic skills improvement.

Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education
www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t794150240~tab=summary Research
An international forum for the publication of articles written in a variety of styles, including (but not limited to): research investigations using experimental, qualitative, ethnographic, historical, philosophical or case study approaches; critical reviews of the literature; policy perspectives; and position papers, curriculum arguments and discussion of issues in teacher education.

The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Research, Controversy, and Practices
continued in 2010 with new publishers as The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas
L11 C53
www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00098655.asp Secondary, practice
Offers a variety of articles for teachers and administrators of middle schools and junior and senior high schools. It includes accounts of experiments, trends, and accomplishments in courses, teaching methods, administrative procedures, and school programs. Topics include application articles on teacher preparation and professional development.

College Mathematics Journal QA11 A1 T9
Recent contents of the journal: www.maa.org/pubs/cmj.html
Info for authors: www.maa.org/pubs/cmj_info.html
Lower-division college, practice; 5 times/year
A publication of the Mathematical Association of America. Emphasizes the first two years of college curriculum. Many articles accessible to undergraduates as well as teachers and college faculty.

The Education Digest L11 E265
www.eddigest.com Review; 9 times/year
Reviews the best of recent periodicals and reports in education to produce 15 or more condensations for quick, easy reading, along with the regular monthly columns and features.

Educational Researcher (ER) L11 A1213
http://er.aera.net Research, ALL subjects; 9 times/year
Published by the American Educational Research Association. The Features section publishes manuscripts that report, synthesize, review, or analyze scholarly inquiry, especially manuscripts that focus on the interpretation, implication or significance of R&D work in education. The News and Comment section publishes manuscripts that analyze trends, policies, utilization and controversies concerning educational research.

Educational Studies in Mathematics (ESM) QA 1 E35
Volume&Issue Summaries: www.wkap.nl/jrnltoc.htm/0013-1954
Journal Homepage: www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/0013-1954
Research; 3 times/year
Reflects both the variety of research concerns within mathematics education as well as the range of methods used to study them. It deals with didactical, methodological and pedagogical subjects. Most articles published are in English, also publishes occasional papers in French, German.

Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics
Superceded in 2008 by Investigations in Mathematics Learning
QA 11 A1 F62
www.unlv.edu/RCML/journal.html Research; Quarterly
Published jointly by the Research Council on Mathematics Learning and the Center for Teaching/Learning of Mathematics. Includes research from education, mathematics, psychology, biology, investigating learning problems in mathematics.

For the Learning of Mathematics: An International Journal of Mathematics Education (FLM) QA11 A1 F67
flm.math.ca Research; 3 times/year
Published under the auspices of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group, FLM aims to stimulate reflection on mathematics education at all levels, and promote study of its practices and its theories: to generate productive discussion; to encourage enquiry and research; to promote criticism and evaluation of ideas and procedures current in the field.

Instructor (Primary and Intermediate Editions) L11 N74
www.scholastic.com/instructor (includes Online Edition) K-12 practice, ALL subjects; Monthly
Articles provide activity programs in education; creative activities and seatwork.

International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning  
www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/journal/default.htm Research; Electronic – ongoing
Online publication; joint project of the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching at Plymouth University, UK and the Mathematics Education Department at College of Nyiregyháza, Hungary. Articles on practice, reports of classroom research in mathematics, both quantitative and qualitative; initiatives and practice in teacher training in mathematics (general and country-specific); comparisons/reviews of international research and practice.

International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning
Continued in 2011 as Technology, Knowledge and Learning
www.wkap.nl/jrnltoc.htm/1382-3892 Research & practice; 3 times/year
Publishes research and summative articles, notes, software and book reviews. Submissions are not restricted to being only about connections between computers and mathematics — browse the Volume&Issue summary (tables of contents of past issues).

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME) Q181.A1
http://www.springer.com/10763 Research & practice; 4 times/year
Publishes research and summative articles in both science and mathematics education, including those addressing cross-curricular issues and different cultural perspectives. Specific attention paid to manuscripts written by authors whose native language is not English, including arrangements for support in re-writing. A Springer Open Choice publication.

International Journal of Engineering Education T61 I743
www.ijee.ie/ Research, practice, curriculum development; 6 times/year
The journal aims for a balance between papers on developments in educational methods technology, case studies, laboratory applications, new theoretical approaches, educational policy, and survey papers on the topics in and related to engineering education. Occassional thematic “special issues.”
NOTE: Though this is a peer reviewed journal, there are page charges. As of November 2009, author(s) of accepted papers must pay $300 + $65(n-6) for publication of n pages, minimum charge is $300.

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology QA11 A1 I5
www.tandf.co.uk/journals/tf/0020739X.html College level, practice; 6 times/year
Seeks to publish a wide range of mathematical education (defined in the broadest sense) that can be presented, assimilated, adapted for use in schools, colleges, universities, industry and commerce. Contributions are welcomed from teachers and users of mathematics at all levels on the contents of syllabi and methods of presentation; mathematical models arising from real situations, the use of computers, new teaching aids and techniques.

International Newsletter on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Proof — also known as: La lettre de la Preuve, The Newsletter on Proof, or Prueba ISSN:1292-8763
www-didactique.imag.fr/preuve/ Research/review/bibliography; 6 times/year
The site has three main parts: Newsletter, Bibliographic database, Information for an on-line university course (under development). See information about the site or scroll to the bottom of the main page for links to information in French (complete) or Castillian (not so complete). Publication of research is typically RE-publication of items published elsewhere (either in full or in abstract).

Investigations in Mathematics Learning QA 11 A1 F62
www.unlv.edu/RCML/journal.html Research; Quarterly
Published by the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Includes a wide variety of basic and applied research on mathematics learning, teaching, and educational design. Note: Began in 2008 to take the place of defunct Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics.

Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The Journal  
www.k-12prep.math.ttu.edu/journal/about.shtml Research, pre/in-service teacher education, practice; Electronic – ongoing
Publishes research, expository and exploratory articles. Target audience: those involved in the college preparation of pre-service K-12 schoolteachers.

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) QA11 A1 J68
www.nctm.org/publications/toc.aspx?jrnl=jrme Research; 5 times/year
The main research journal of the U.S. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Publishes large and small research reports, reviews, comparative work in mathematics education including psychology, cognitive science as pertinent. This forum is for disciplined inquiry into the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching QA 20 C65 J68
http://aace.org/pubs/jcmst/ Research & practice; Quarterly
Published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education; for practitioners and academics of K-16, distance, informal, education who deal with the use of computers in science, mathematics, computer or computer science education. A mix of research, theory, and classroom practice.

Journal of Educational Research L11 J75
www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00220671.asp K-12 research and practice, ALL subjects; Bimonthly
Publishes research syntheses, evaluations of traditional practices, evaluation research, empirical research, reviews . Target audience: teachers, counselors, supervisors, administrators, planners, and educational researchers.

Journal of Graduate Teaching Assistant Development
Out of print. See Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development Research and practice, ALL subjects; irregular
Editorial goals include: contributing to improvement in the preparation of teaching assistants (TAs) in all fields; research on socialization of national and international TAs (ITAs); exposition and research on TA program development and practices; empirical/observational studies, research on the transition from graduate school to full-time faculty positions, as well as analysis of research results and research-to-practice articles.
Journal of Mathematical Behavior (JMB) QA 11 A1 J68
www.journals.elsevier.com/the-journal-of-mathematical-behavior Research; Quarterly
Publishes basic research. Editorial goals include: contributing to improvement in the learning and teaching of mathematics and on development of deeper understanding of how people learn and use mathematics. Empirical/observational studies, as well as analysis of research results; special interest by editors in papers which are responses to work previously published in JMB.
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE)  
www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/1386-4416 Research; 3 times/year
Devoted to topics and issues involving the education of teachers of mathematics. A forum for critical analyses of innovative programs, research, technology, assessment, teaching diverse populations, policy matters, and developments in teaching as these topics relate to educating mathematics teachers.

Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications (JOMA)
Continued in 2008 as Loci
mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/23/ Research and practice; Electronic
A publication of the Mathematical Association of America. Publishes research on student learning via online and technology-rich environments, surveys of existing materials and articles on the design, development and implementation of web-based learning materials.

Journal of Statistics Education (JSE)  
www.amstat.org/publications/jse Research; Electronic
Double-blind refereed journal, electronically distributed, publishes theory, practice involving statistics and probability reasoning.

Journal of Teacher Education LB1705 N27
http://jte.sagepub.com/ Research on teacher education; 5 issues/year
A publication of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Covers policy, practice, and research in teacher education; includes conceptual and empirical articles, reviews, analyses. Each issue has a thematic focus (see journal for themes).

Journal of Urban Mathematics Education  
http://ed-osprey.gsu.edu/ojs/index.php/JUME Research; 2 issues/year
Focus on basic and applied research, policy, and syntheses that address strengths and successes in mathematical teaching and learning in urban communities (defined broadly). Extensions to other STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, and Engineering) are welcomed.

Learning & Leading with Technology LB1028.5 C575
www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading.aspx K-12, practice; 8 times/year
A publication of the International Society for Technology in Education. Articles are written by and for: classroom teachers, lab teachers, technology coordinators, and teacher educators; includes curriculum development and technology product reviews.

Continuation since 2008 of Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications
mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/23/ Research and practice; Electronic
A publication of the Mathematical Association of America as part of the Mathematical Science Digital Library (MathDL) project. Publishes research on student learning via online and technology-rich environments, surveys of existing materials and articles on the design, development and implementation of web-based learning materials.

MathAMATYC Educator
Begun in 2009 as a practice-based follow-on to The AMATYC Review
www.amatyc.org/publications/mathamatyceducator/index.html Practice; Semi-annual
Published by the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. Features original reports on practice. Focus on technical, developmental, and bridge courses between high school and college-level. Authors are encouraged to offer personal opinions, suggestions based on experience, and practical applications for classroom use.

Mathematical Thinking and Learning  
www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/10986065.asp Research; Quarterly
Directed at researchers interested in mathematics education from mathematics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, and information technology perspectives; focus on mathematical thinking, reasoning, and learning and cross-cultural studies of mathematical thinking and learning.

Mathematics and Computer Education QA13 M16
www.macejournal.org Practice, lower division college; 3 times/year
Articles that are for the development of materials for the improvement of classroom effectiveness in the first years of college. For higher education practitioners with specific concepts being covered in the articles.

Mathematics Education Dialogues (out of print since 2002)  
www.nctm.org/dialogues Expository; occasional until 2002
Was an an open forum for discussion of topics in mathematics education sponsored by the U.S. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Mathematics Education Research Journal  
www.merga.net.au/node/35 Research, K-16; 3 times/year
A publication of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Web page has links to two journals, a series of 4-yearly reviews of mathematics education research in Australasia, and conference proceedings – each has some RUME articles. The full text of the journals and proceedings (after 2003) is available online, and the page has a full text search facility
The Mathematics Educator and TMEonline-electronic version.  
http://math.coe.uga.edu/TME/TMEonline.html Research, practice; Electronic
A publication of the Mathematics Education Student Association (MESA) at the University of Georgia (a run-by-students-journal)

Mathematics Teacher QA1 M39
www.nctm.org/publications/toc.aspx?jrnl=mt Grades 8-14, practice; 9 times/year
A publication of the U.S. NCTM. Devoted to improving mathematics instruction in grades 8 through 14, especially in teacher education colleges.

Mathematics Teacher Educator
New in 2011
www.nctm.org/publications/content.aspx?id=28143 College and informal tertiary education, practice; 2 times/year
A publication of the U.S. National Countil of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Mathematics teacher educators include mathematics educators, mathematicians, teacher leaders, school district mathematics experts, and others. Devoted to soliciting and disseminating verified professional knowledge for mathematics teacher educators that is rooted in practitioner knowledge.

Mathematics Teaching QA1 M394
www.atm.org.uk/journal/ Practice; Quarterly
Published by the UK’s Association of Teachers of Mathematics, articles range from research to anecdotal reports and discussion. Focus on school mathematics (K-8) practice in the United Kingdom.

Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School QA13 M373
www.nctm.org/publications/toc.aspx?jrnl=mtms Middle school, practice
A journal from the U.S. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Intended as a resource for middle school students, in- and pre-service teachers.

Micro Math
Out of print since 2004 – archive of some articles available at link below
www.atm.org.uk/journal/micromath.html Practice; 3 times/year until 2004
Published by U.K. Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Micro Math focused on the teaching and learning of school mathematics as facilitated by educational technology and software, such as LOGO, calculators, and the Geometer’s Sketchpad. Each issue presents curriculum ideas and suggestions.

Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
(formerly Philosophy of Mathematics Education Newsletter)
Links to issues — choose one and scroll down for aims and editorial policy. Research, discussion; annually (approximately)
An international unreferreed journal edited by Paul Ernest at University of Exeter, UK. Aims to stimulate discussion and investigation of theory, philosophy and reflection in mathematics education.

Proceedings of the annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) and Proccedings of the annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American Chapter (PME-NA)  
List of PME-NA Meetings with ERIC identifiers or, for conferences in 2004 and later, links to PDF files of proceedings. Research, discussion, all levels; annual
International and North American conference proceedings of PME and PME-NA, respectively. Short research papers, reports of organizational Working Groups and Discussion Groups, one-page summaries of short-oral presentations and posters. PME is a study group affiliated with the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (RCME)
Last volume published in 2010
QA 11 A1 I87
List of RCME volumes at AMS
Note: As of 2010 there are plans in the making for a journal to replace/continue the book series.
Research; book series
Published jointly by the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America through the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS) from 1994 to 2010. Topics are predominantly research studies on undergraduate and graduate mathematical thinking and affect.

Research in Mathematics Education (RME)  
http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/rrme/ Research and reviews; 2-3 times/year
Official journal of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM). Scope includes medium-sized research reports (up to 8000 words, inclusive of text, abstract, references, and figure/table space), short one-page reports summarizing research recently published in the informal proceedings of the BSRLM, and book reviews.

School Science and Mathematics Q1 S28
http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0036-6803&site=1 Research and practice, K-12; 9 times/year
Official journal of the U.S. School Science and Mathematics Association. Science, mathematics and connections between math and science for grades K-12 and teacher education.

Statistics Education Research Journal QA276.18
www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~iase/publications.php?show=serj Research; Electronic, 2 times/year
Peer-reviewed electronic journal of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI). Publishes research related to all facets of the development of stochastic understanding in school, college, and the workplace. English language manuscripts recommended, also will consider manuscripts in French or Spanish.

Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development
http://newforums.com/submissions/studgradprofstudev.htm Research and practice, ALL subjects; irregular
Book series that emerged when Journal of Graduate Teaching Assistant Development stopped publication. Each book in the series has a host editor – contact New Forums press for more information. Editorial goals include: contributing to improvement in the preparation of teaching assistants (TAs) in all fields; research on socialization of national and international TAs (ITAs); exposition and research on TA program development and practices; empirical/observational studies, research on the transition from graduate school to full-time faculty positions, as well as analysis of research results and research-to-practice articles.
Teaching and Teacher Education LB 1025.2 T4154
www.journals.elsevier.com/teaching-and-teacher-education/ Research & practice, ALL subjects; 8 times/year
Contains papers from around the world concerned with teaching and teacher education in general (i.e. teaching in any subject matter for students at any age or grade level), description and analysis of cognitive, affective and behavioral components of teaching, teacher effectiveness, teacher education, teacher thinking, and social policy affecting teaching.

Teaching Children Mathematics
See Arithmetic Teacher above.
QA 135.5 T42x

Teaching PreK-8 LB 1501 E27
www.TeachingK-8.com Pre-K–8, practice, ALL subjects
An ideabook for teachers in pre-school and K-8.

Teaching Statistics  
www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0141-982X K-12 content (“up to age 19”); Practice, 3 times/year.
Published by the Teaching Statistics Trust. Focus on classroom teaching of statistics in all disciplines. Content discussed in manuscripts must be what is commonly taught in K-12 classes.

Technology, Knowledge and Learning  
www.springerlink.com/content/2211-1662 Research & practice; 3 times/year
Publishes original research and “computational snapshot” articles as well as software and book reviews. “Snapshots” are short pieces illustrating how digital technologies have or might shape learning in mathematics, science, or the arts.