Go to http://mathhappenings.onmason.com/
Math happens all around us. One way to promote kids and parents talking about math daily is to introduce Math Happenings? As it’s important to read daily with your child, it’s important to find math in our everyday life and share how important it is to know and use math daily. Teachers can model this at the beginning of the year with a personal math happening and ask students to come to school and share their math happenings. Kids love to share about their weekend and events in their lives. Why not have them see it through a quantitative lens. For example, they love to tell you about the sport they played over the weekend with scores and statistics.
Zachary:: Ms. Jones, we won our soccer game 6-3. I scored a hat trick -3 in a row!
Teacher: Wow, you scored 1/2 half of the points for your team! Great job!
Share a math happening!