Read MoreJeremy had to bring brownies for a class project. He said, ” I will bake it in the morning before school”. The next morning, he overslept and panicked. He got the brownie mix and proceeded to make the batter. The only problem was that the recipe recommended 45-50 minutes at 320 degrees Fahrenheit but he…
Read MoreGo to Math happens all around us. One way to promote kids and parents talking about math daily is to introduce Math Happenings? As it’s important to read daily with your child, it’s important to find math in our everyday life and share how important it is to know and use math daily. Teachers…
Read MoreResearch Readings on Preparing Math Teachers Teacher learning Cohen, S. (2004). Teachers’ professional development and the elementary mathematics classroom: Bringing understandings to light. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Hammerness, K., Darling-Hammond, L., Bransford, J. with Berliner, D., Cochran-Smith, M., McDonald, M., & Zeichner, K. (2005). How teachers learn and develop. In L. Darling- Hammond & J. Bransford…
Read MoreResearch Readings on Preparing Math Teachers Teacher learning Cohen, S. (2004). Teachers’ professional development and the elementary mathematics classroom: Bringing understandings to light. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Hammerness, K., Darling-Hammond, L., Bransford, J. with Berliner, D., Cochran-Smith, M., McDonald, M., & Zeichner, K. (2005). How teachers learn and develop. In L. Darling- Hammond & J. Bransford…
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